What is the best rep range to build legs?

What is the best rep range to build legs?

When it comes to building legs, one of the most important factors to consider is the rep range you use. The rep range you choose can have a big impact on the results you see, and it can be difficult to know which one is best. The truth is, the best rep range for building legs depends on your individual muscle fiber type.

Muscle fibers can be divided into two main types: white and red. White muscle fibers are better suited for glucose as an energy source, while red muscle fibers have more capillaries and more mitochondria, which makes them better suited for endurance type of training. The ratio of white to red muscle fibers can vary greatly between people, and it can even vary as much as 30%.

If you have more red muscle fibers, you may be better suited for high rep, high volume training. This type of training is more endurance-based and focuses on using more oxygen to fuel your muscles. This can include high-volume sets of exercises like squats, lunges and leg press.

If you have more white muscle fibers, you may be better suited for lower rep, lower volume training. This type of training is more focused on short, intense bursts of movement, and is better suited for fast-twitch muscle fibers. This can include lower-volume sets of exercises like deadlifts, leg press and leg extensions.

Epigenetics can also play a role in muscle fiber type. For example, if you did long-distance running in primary school, you may be more likely to have more red muscle fibers.

In conclusion, the best rep range for building legs depends on your individual muscle fiber type. If you have more red muscle fibers, you may be better suited for high rep, high volume training, while if you have more white muscle fibers, you may be better suited for lower rep, lower volume training. Epigenetics also play a role in muscle fiber type, and it's important to consider your past physical activities and muscle fiber type to help you in determining the best rep range for you.


In conclusion, when it comes to building legs, the rep range is a critical aspect to consider. While there are many different rep ranges that can be effective, finding the best one for you can be challenging. A coaching program can provide you with the guidance and support you need to figure out the best rep range for your leg-building goals. Additionally, you will get access to expert advice, and a personalized workout plan that is tailored to your specific needs. With the help of a coaching program, you will be able to maximize your results and build bigger, stronger legs. So, if you want to take your leg-building efforts to the next level, consider joining a coaching program today - Join Coaching Program

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