We all know that the sheeple will tell you that site specific fat loss is a myth. And as one of them utters this nonsense the rest will follow blindly.I however am here to tell you today that it is possible but even more so when we implement pharmacology.

Keep in mind bodybuilding and anecdotal evidence will always be one step ahead of published scientific literature which is obvious because the studies are performed to prove a hypothesis (a not proven thought that seems to trend across a wide group of people). And for that thought to be tested bodybuilders always ask the questions that lead the scientific community in the right direction.

Firstly. When looking at all the literature as a whole on site specific fat loss most of the studies that were performed indicated no net total of fat loss. So it would be obvious that if there were no fat loss in the groups tested that no site specific fat loss did occur. Other studies that looked a certain demographic of people that stored a large portion of their fat in the form of visceral/ stomach fat it would also be obvious that a large chunk would first come from that area. Ill link another article on these studies that were performed below.

Now my point of view. Site specific fat loss may be debatable but site specific Lipolysis is not. Which is also not difficult to imagine because if you train a given muscle group you are liberating fatty acids from that muscle group through increased blood flow , increased cytokines to that area, as well as an increase in heat on that area. So if you logically think about it if fatty acids are liberated from a certain area and dumped into circulation then the fats need to be used as energy. The probability of the triglycerides coming from the trained area is a lot higher than from other areas.

Here are a list of performance enhancing drugs known to have site specific effects. And i myself can attest to some of these in personal experience. Growth hormone, Clenbuterol, Yohimbine/rauwolscine, injectable glucagon. Now let me explain. For these agents to work in such a fashion certain requirements need to be in place (other than the obvious of not being extremely overweight).So for glucagon to work it needs to be implemented in a dieted state where liver glycogen is low. In this instance the body will liberate fatty acids that consist of 3 triglycerides and a glycerol back bone. The glycerol back bone can then be converted to glucose through gluconeogenisis and the triglycerides get used as energy. The same effect can be seen in a fasted state when implementing helios injectable (combination of Clen and yohimbine). Clen acts on the beta 2 adrenergic receptors while yohimbine inhibits alpha 2 receptors. Our body as Andrew huberman has also explained can make use of adrenergic hormones at a localised level. With that being said fat mobilised in both instances will also trickle into circulation and cause circulatory fat loss as well not just at the area intended.

Also important to mention estrogen as an example will drive body fat deposition in female specific areas such as the upper thigh and glute area . Bodybuilders like to run arimadex and things of that nature to drive down estrogen in such instances

Ever wonder where the anecdote came from that bodybuilders need to do the step mill in a fasted state to get their glutes hard? Well now you know that its all to do with blood flow! Especially when looking at the glutes which are poorly supplied with blood to begin with!

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