DHEA wrongfully added to your PCT

DHEA wrongfully added to your PCT

PCT, or post-cycle therapy, is a crucial step for bodybuilders and athletes who have completed a cycle of anabolic steroids. One supplement that has been debated for use during PCT is DHEA, or Dehydroepiandrosterone. DHEA is a hormone that is naturally produced by the adrenal glands and helps the body produce testosterone and estrogen.

While DHEA may seem like a logical choice for PCT, as it can help increase testosterone levels, it may not be the best option. One of the main reasons is that taking DHEA can lower levels of LH (luteinizing hormone) and FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone). These hormones are crucial for the production of testosterone, and when they are lowered, it can hinder the body's ability to produce testosterone on its own.

Additionally, DHEA can also lower LH and FSH in the brain, which means that the brain perceives that there is enough testosterone in the body, and thus reduces the production of LH and FSH. This can be problematic during PCT, as the goal of PCT is to help the body restart its own natural testosterone production.

In conclusion, DHEA may not be the best option for PCT. It can lower LH and FSH, which can inhibit the body's ability to produce testosterone on its own. Additionally, DHEA can also lower LH and FSH in the brain, which can make it harder for the body to restart its natural testosterone production. Therefore, it's important to think about the goal of PCT and the best options for achieving it, DHEA may not have a place in a PCT. 

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